Next Steps

Whether you've followed Jesus your whole life or you are new to knowing God, everyone has a next step in their faith.

Get Baptized

Interested in being baptized? Contact us and Let us know!


Take a step of growth by serving and connecting with others.


Growing in community is a vital part of the Christian life. Live life alongside fellow believers through LifeGroups or Classes at Calvary.


Every believer being a vital part of a local body has always been normative. In early days there was one church in each city shepherded by a group of elders with the church members meeting in different homes or venues. A Christian then, would be a part of that body in the city or village where they lived and under those elders.

Persecution, where present, also encouraged gathering together for fellowship, worship and such basic needs as food. Over the past two millennia much has changed, yet God’s Church still manifests herself in many local churches.